Monday, May 7, 2012

The Beginning vs. Now

I am sad to inform you all that this will be the last post in our blog.  We've come so far since week one, and it has been such an adventure to collaborate and come up with new and exciting things to right about each week!  We have done everything we can to give you our best work and to update as often as possible!  We hope that you all have taken away some random facts that you didn't know before and that you have gotten some insight on what media fluency is.  All of your input has been such a great attribute to the site!  If you have any general comments about our blog feel free to comment on this post and let us know what you think about the blog in general!  

Goodbye for now!

and watch out.. you never know.. any of us could be back at anytime on a new blog!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reality vs. Expectation of Stats

Hey everyone!  I am the keeper of statistics for our blog and I have some questions about our statistics for you all.

How many views do you think our blog has had throughout the semester?

Which device do you think was most used for viewing our blog (ex. Mac, iPhone, PC, etc.)?

People in what country other than America viewed our blog most?

Which one of our posts do you think was the most popular post?

Thank you so much I hope you liked our blog!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reality vs. Expectation of Comments

This week's post is all about you. I'm curious about your opinion regarding our posts and your motivation to comment on them. Were some of our posts better for specific reasons and did they encourage you to comment more than others? Was our commenting system affective or did it constrain your ability to express your opinion? Did you just comment because of J 176 or would you have provided input regardless?

Please let me know exactly what you thought about our posts that led you to comment or not comment!

Our Blog vs. Other Blogs

When we started the blogs for J176, our group had a very limited amount of ideas to choose from to base our blog off of. Suddenly, we were hit with this idea of comparing the reality of things to the expectations, much like seen in the movie “500 Days of Summer”. We stuck with our idea throughout the semester, trying to speak to our audience about real life and how media portrays things. Do you think we did a good job at succeeding at this? Were you clear with our ideas? Have you ever seen a blog like this? We are looking for feedback to help us really capture how our audience was influenced (or not) by our blog!