Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In Response to Whitney Houston Post: Glorifying Death Vs. Celebrity Life Choices

Read Article Here!

The article above talks about whether or not it is wrong to glorify the death of a celebrity that died due to drugs and/or alcohol. I believe it is wrong to put a star in the spotlight after they abuse drugs. It is sad whenever anyone passes away, but there are plenty of other true role models that die every day and do not get any media attention. Also, our generation immediately tributes stars like Whitney Houston, stars that we know nothing about but maybe a hit they had 20 years ago. The article says "it is as if a woman in her musical prime had been snatched from us, and that plainly is not true." I agree with this; Houston has not been in the musical spotlight for years, with her last big hit being in 1992. Since then, she has been in the media not for her talent, but for her dramatic life choices. The woman she was years ago differs greatly from who she was when she passed away.

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