Monday, April 16, 2012

Paris vs. a Burger

At a first glace what do you think this commercial is about? Possibly something pornographic? Nope, but good guess.  Maybe that car? Or a car wash?  No, but also good guesses.  Oh wait…maybe it is for that hamburger that was show only from 0:39 to 0:40 for only one second? Yep, that’s right: a commercial for a hamburger that has absolutely NOTHING to do with a hamburger.  The reality is that someone like Paris Hilton would probably never eat anything like a fattening hamburger.  This causes girls to have a negative image of their bodies because they expect to look the way her body does while eating fattening foods.  On the other hand, the commercial seems to be effective to men.  Most of my guy friends decide they immediately need a hamburger after watching a commercial like this, while most girls are still stuck on the fact that she is being completely trashy and selling her body.  Commercials will always be deceiving because advertisers know how to hit our emotional triggers, and for men, this one seems to do the trick.   

1 comment:

  1. WOW, this is so obnoxious. While it may get people excited about cars, girls and yes even burgers, I don't know where to buy this burger. Hell someone could have the "urge" to eat a burger after seeing this commercial from ANYWHERE. I barely notice the star logo at the end of the commercial and even then I had to look it up. Maybe I'm not as familiar with food logos as most people but c'mon. Maybe Hardee's should spend more time putting their name out there before they throw in a car. It won't do Hardee's any good if upon seeing this commercial folks go out and buy a burger from McDonald's, hmm?
